Welcome to Cleveland High School, Home of the STORM!

Location & Contact Info

4800 Cleveland Heights Rd. NE
Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87144
Main (505) 938-0300
Fax (505) 338-3474
We are located east of the Santa Ana Star Center.
CHS Important Information
Important Links
School Spirit and Campus Tour
Incoming Freshman Information
Principal, Scott Affentranger
Vice Principal, Vicky McCarty
Principal's Administrative Assistant, Toni Morgan x 52330
Receptionist, Jacqueline Crespin x 52309
Receptionist, Lorenzo Diaz x 52301
Attendance Clerk, Tiffanie Thompson x 52311
Registrar, Noel Chavez x 52324
Registrar's Clerk, Roberta Barnard x 52332
Bookkeeping, Julie Ferron x 52322
Production Room, Michelle O'Laverty x 52373
Book Room, Mina Garcia x 52379
Bilingual Coordinator/ELL, Maria Burns x 52238
Food Services Manager, Maggie Gomez x 52398
Army JROTC, Jess Capel x 52414
Class of 2028
Assistant Principal, Rebecca Bruere x 52628
Secretary, Renee Cuessy x 52530
Counselor A-L, Jessica Vreeland x 52536
Counselor M-Z, Jessica Garcia x 52572
Class of 2027
Assistant Principal, Stacy Salinas x 52630
Secretary, Lara Joyner x 52615
Counselor A-L, Lauren Deaton x 52696
Counselor M-Z, Parker Jones x 52218
Class of 2026
Assistant Principal, Stephanie Jacquez x 52576
Secretary, Gabrielle Archibeque x 52675
Counselor A-L, Jaime Ulibarri x 52678
Counselor M-Z, Ashley Aragon x 52682
Class of 2025
Assistant Principal, Shawn Havill x 52699
Secretary, Marlisa Brown x 52215
Counselor A-L, Jaime David x 52533
Counselor M-Z, Brenda Sanchez x 52221
Departments & Staff
Health Office
Nurse, Jessica Perez x 52346
Nurse, Valerie Tafoya x 52265
Nurse EA, Julie Bernardoni x 52345
Click here to view the Health Office webpage
Media Center
Librarian, Deena White x 52355
Special Education Services
Secretary, Bridget Lovato x 52571
Site Specialist, Rikki Castillo x52586
Site Specialist, Charlie Savedra x 52590
Site Specialist, Tasha Rachal x52585
Transition Specialist, Maxine Cordova x 52586
Social Worker, Rocky Vili x 52683
Social Worker, TBA, x52633
Social Worker, Julie Ackron x 52588
Social Worker, Nicole List x 52677
SLP, Christina Dukes x 52627
SLP, Tom Tice x 52634
Diagnostician, Mari Bauman x51220
Psychologist, Adriana Lopez x 52631
Recreational Therapist, Lynn Keck x 52551
Recreational Therapist, Kathy Fritz x 52551
Physical Therapist, Tracy Perkins x 52551
Visual Support, x 53491 (also at RRHS)
Security Manager, Don Mangin x 52342
Maintenance and Building Services
Building Engineer, Andrew Alarid x 52389
Assistant Engineer, Christopher Sedillo x 52389
Custodial Foreman, Michael Murphy x 52537
Education Technology
Network/IT Support, Andrew Sanchez x 52375
Ed Tech Support / Web Coordinator, Kimberly Griego x 52377
Director, Kathy Shallenberger x 52363
Director, Matt Martinez x 52421
Secretary, Donna Raimondi x 52420
CHS Advisory Parent
Jerica Jones, stormparentadvisoryboard@gmail.com
School Profile
School Profile:
Updated October 2024
Mascot: Storm
Colors: Electric Blue, Silver, and Black
Grade Levels Served: 9-12
Graduation Rate:
2024: 87.9 %
2023: 88.7 %
2022: 89.9 %
2021: 89.9 %
Founded: August 2009 by Rio Rancho Public Schools
Staff Profile: Employees: 231
Teachers: 150
Instructional Support Staff: 39
Non-Instructional Support Staff: 42
School Goals:
Student Excellence
The Community: Rio Rancho, New Mexico is a suburb of Albuquerque surrounded by scenic desert landscapes and stunning views of the Sandia Mountains. With a 2020 population of 101,475, Rio Rancho is the largest city and economic hub of Sandoval County and the 3rd largest city in the state of New Mexico. It is the 312th largest city in the United States and is currently growing at a rate of 1.73% annually. Rio Rancho has a culturally and economically diverse population. The city was ranked number 30 in Money Magazine’s 2018 list of top 100 best places to live in America.
The School: Cleveland High School opened in August 2009. The school building covers more than 432,700 square feet, making it New Mexico's largest school. It is a green building and is classified as a LEED Silver-certified building. Its strategies are the highest graduation requirements of any public high school in the state. The design explores the latest trends in technology and sustainability. All classrooms take advantage of a wireless network, interactive whiteboards, overhead projectors, and audio enhancement systems. Sustainable features include extensive natural lighting, ground-source heat pumps, and heat-reflecting roof materials. In response to changing times and to maintain the robust curriculum CHS is on a seven-period day schedule. Rio Rancho Public Schools is viewed as a cutting-edge school district.
School Programs: Comprehensive HS featuring a strong academic program in the core subjects as well as varied and rich elective classes, outstanding athletics and fine arts programs, and a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Distinctive Characteristics of the Instruction
AP course offerings (25): AP English Literature and Composition (grade 11), AP English Language and Composition (grade 12), AP Human Geography (/ New Mexico History, AP World History, AP United States History, AP Government and Politics: United States, AP Macroeconomics, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics, AP Environmental Science, AP Studio Art: 3D Design, AP Studio Art: 2D Design, AP Music Theory, AP Environmental Science, AP Spanish Language, AP French Language, AP Chinese, AP Macroeconomics, AP Government and Politics: Comparative, AP Psychology A/B.
Pre-AP/ Enriched course offerings (9): Pre-AP Biology, Pre-AP Chemistry, Pre-AP Geometry, Pre-AP Algebra II, Math Analysis, Trigonometry, Pre-AP Pre-Calculus, Pre-AP English 9, Pre-AP English 10.
Director’s Cup: The Directors Cup is awarded annually to the top New Mexico Activities Association member schools in each classification based on success in activities, athletics, and sportsmanship. CHS has been awarded the Director’s Cup for three of the ten years Cleveland has been open.
Activities and Athletic Accolades: 34 State Championships, 24 State Runner-Ups, 62 District Championships, 34 Runner Ups
Geographic Area Served:
North of Northern Blvd.
Accreditation: Cleveland High School is fully accredited with the North Central Association of Colleges and SecondarySchools and New Mexico Public Education Department.
School Programs: Comprehensive HS with career academies: Academy of the Arts, Academy of Design, Academy of Environmental Studies, Academy of International Studies, Academy of Liberal Arts, and Academy of Science and Health
Enrollment: 2024-2025 SY 2641 (grades 9-12)
Ethnic Distribution of School Population: 2024-2025, Caucasian 667 (25.3%), Hispanic or Latino 1569 (59.4%), Native American 161 (6.1%), Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 4 (0.15%), Asian 19 (0.72%), African American 58 (2.19%)
Distinctions: MaxPreps recognizes the top 25 schools in the nation; 2012- Cleveland High School was ranked the 19th and 1st in New Mexico which is the first school in New Mexico to make the top 25, earned a letter grade A
National Merit Scholars: 2 students 2023-2024 SY with 15 students since the school opened.
Post-Secondary Plans
4-year college/university 77%
2-year college 13%
Military service 3%
Workforce 6%
Testing: Average ACT composite score 21.2 (above national and state average)
Athletic Programs: – 20 programs - District 1AAAAA Cross Country Boys/Girls, Football, Soccer Boys/Girls, Girls Volleyball, Cheer, Basketball Boys/Girls, Swimming Boys/Girls, Wrestling, Baseball, Softball, Golf Boys/Girls, Tennis Boys/Girls, Track Boys/Girls, Dance Team
Clubs/Activities: Academic Decathlon, Anime Club, Art Club, Associated Students, BookEnds, Bowling, Chess Community, Drama Club, FFA, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Film Club, French Club, Gay-Straight Alliance, German Club, Graphics Arts Club, Guitar & Band Club, Hip Hop Club, Jazz Band, Key Club, Marching Band, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, Native American Club, Newspaper/Journalism, Photography Club, Poetry Slam, REVIVE, RSVP, Science Olympiad, Show Choir, S.L.A.C., Spanish Club/BESO, Speech and Debate, StageCrafters, Storm Watch Network News, Visual Communications Community, Web Weavers, Yearbook, DECA