Congratulations for reaching a National Merit Scholarship Milestone written above photos of three high school students
The Student Perspective with a group of elementary students lined up in a row smiling
"Subscribe to RRPS YouTube today" written over an image of someone looking at YouTube on their cell phone
Now hiring substitute teachers written on a chalkboard next to a woman holding a stack of books.
Image of high school students holding books
Class of 2026
Did you know?
High School Credit Recover with an image of two high school students with backpacks standing on stairs
Did you know?
Photo of a backpack with ear phones, a laptop, books and glasses
Rendering of what the new CTE Center may look like once completed.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Career Technical Education: Which road will you take towards more than 60 career paths?
There are 23 languages spoken by students within the district.
RRPS Career Technical Education - Igniting Student Potential
CHS Math Tutoring
We're hiring
Image of young woman holding a brochure